Here is a list of distributors of LogIT products:
UK distributors (To call UK from overseas please use +44 to replace the 0)
LogIT World Ltd | Tel: 01827 488040 sales@logitworld.com www.logitworld.com | Manufacturers and Designers of LogIT system - can supply all LogIT products inc. Observer. Explorer 2, uLog and a huge range of sensors. Plus a new range of Bench Meters We can also provide spares & service for LogIT worldwide. |
Breckland Scientific | 01785 227 227 »Visit Web Site | Broad range science education supplier |
Scientific Laboratory Supplies (SLS) | 01159 821111 » Visit Web site | Broad range science education supplier |
Rapid Electronics | 01206 751166 » Visit Web site | Electronic Suppliers - Most of the LogIT Range |
Fisher Scientific | 01509 233344 »Visit Web Site | Broad range science education supplier |
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International distributors